NRCC’s approach acknowledges that many “environmental problems” are in fact “people problems.” In order to address the mounting threats to biodiversity and natural systems, we need better decision-making tools to meet these ecological, social, and policy challenges.
NRCC promotes an interdisciplinary approach that includes social science skills and ecological expertise to improve management and policy decisions. NRCC supports these efforts by providing a permanent institutional home and by serving as an incubator for projects that later take off on their own.
This work is long-term. Ultimately, we hope to inspire a new story for our fellow humans and the environment in which we live—one that includes responsibility and stewardship.
We are grateful to the agencies, foundations, and nonprofit partners who collaborate to make these projects happen. Thank you for your support!
Visit our Projects to learn more about the work we do.
Research. Dialogue. Education. Leadership

Research Innovation
Supporting innovative researchers and fostering projects that address complex problems

Community-Based Conservation
Helping individuals and communities improve cooperation, shared learning, and decision making

Education & Civic Engagement
Assessing the state of environmental education and providing programming, which aligns with conservation needs

Leadership Development
Identifying key skills needed in the conservation field and providing workshops and publications for professionals
NRCC works wherever innovative conservation is needed, but with a special focus on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). We believe that the GYE represents one of our best chances to create a sustainable, long-term relationship with nature, other species, and one another.
Currently, we have projects located across 12 states and 14 countries.
NRCC’s main office is located in Jackson, WY.
R.J. Turner
Photographer in Residence
is the co-manager of Mara Plains Camp, in the Masai Mara, in Kenya
Seth Wilson
Research Associate
with colleagues in Italy, as part of the LIFE Lynx project
Gao Yufang
Research Associate
studies human-carnivore coexistence in Tibet
Mimi Kessler
Research Associate
with Mongolian colleagues for her research on the Great Bustards